Satisfactory resolution of problems is a combined effort between the problem reporter and the resolve. Communication of the status, updates and resolution of the problem is key to successful problem management.
While your company is in testing status with Rite Aid, you may call the Rite Aid EDI Department for the following problems:
- Clarification of paper documents (e.g., purchase orders, remittance advice)
- Rite Aid transaction mapping requirements
- ANSI ASC X12 compliance errors
- Missing or duplicate transmissions
- Unrecognizable data
The following are common causes of delays in processing Invoices and miscalculations of net due:
- Invalid or missing PO number—invoices cannot be processed
- Item number match problem—invoice items have to be manually matched to PO items. Adhere to mapping guidelines for item qualifiers and item numbers
- Item cost discrepancy—invoice item cost must match PO item cost. If PO item cost is NOT correct, the PO should not be accepted; the category manager should be contacted to correct the item pricing and create another PO with the correct pricing. If the PO contains a “discounted” cost and you wish to show the item base cost on the invoice, use in conjunction with an item allowance. The AP system will deduct the allowance rate from the base item cost to match the discounted cost on the PO.
- Improper use of item allowances—requires manual intervention
- Use of “Item charges”—AP system is not capable of calculating charges at the item level, charges at this level will be disregarded. All like “Item Charges” must be “rolled up” and placed in a summary or invoice level charge.
- Improper use of charge or allowance codes—can cause miscalculation of net due.
For any other problems, contact the EDI Department:
Help Line: 717-731-3815
Fax Number: 717-975-8623
Problem Management Format
Please adhere to the following format for problem reporting:
- Identify yourself and your company by name and Rite Aid vendor number.
- Describe the problem. Reference pertinent information:
- Interchange control numbers
- Document numbers (e.g., purchase order number)
- Nature of problem
- Severity of problem
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