The EDI testing process serves three major purposes: Administration, Standards Interpretation, and Testing.
You must complete and return a Trading Partner Profile before testing can begin. Rite Aid will update our EDI Management Software and database with appropriate information from your profile. Examples of Trading Partner Profile information are industry standards supported by the partner, business contacts, and network mailbox ID numbers.
Standards Interpretation
After completion of the documents, we must agree upon the utilization and interpretation of the Rite Aid transaction guidelines and specifications. This process is completed when the data exchanged can be successfully translated by both parties.
Once the transaction data is exchanged, translated without errors and is considered compliant, the testing process will be complete
Major Milestones in Project
- Complete and return the Trading Partner Profile
- Receive test and implementation schedule from Rite Aid
- Re-affirm mapping requirements for transaction set
- Perform Connectivity Test
- Begin Application Testing
- Move to Production (Live)
Level 1: Testing
Once the trading relationship has been established, testing will begin to verify that Rite Aid can translate the transaction sets received from the partner, and that the partner can translate the transaction sets received from Rite Aid. Testing for documents received by the partner from Rite Aid will be complete from the Rite Aid perspective when the partner can receive documents and return a functional acknowledgment within 24 hours. Testing will be complete for the partner when Rite Aid can successfully translate an inbound document and provide a functional acknowledgment to the partner within 24 hours.
Level 2: Live
When translation by Rite Aid and the partner is successful, and both parties are satisfied with the parallel results, the partner will be expected to move to production and the paper transaction support will be discontinued. The partner and Rite Aid will function solely in the EDI standards environment.
30-Day Schedule
The 30-day schedule refers to the established 30-day period in which EDI implementation will occur and Rite Aid and the partner will be in a production EDI environment. The goal is to develop a timely implementation process for the benefit of both parties.
EDI Charges
The sender and receiver share costs for EDI. Rite Aid will assume communications cost to deliver and pick up the EDI transactions to its network mailboxes at OpenText and trading partner will assume the same on its network. Where exceptions to the Rite Aid EDI policy are encountered, additional costs may be incurred by the EDI Partner. Regarding errors, the party at fault will assume costs.
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